Supplement distributors

You have a great product, one that has shown to markedly improve the health and well-being of it’s users, but now you want to expand your market across borders. Marketing your dietary supplement to as many people as possible is the goal of all supplement distributors, and while we all have the dream of going world-wide, successfully getting there takes a little luck and a great deal of professional help. It all boils down to having a resource that knows, not only all the pitfalls involved, but can also give you immediate deploy-able strategies for your success in exporting to foreign markets. Here are some of the main considerations supplement distributors will need for their business to export successfully.

Export Certificates For Dietary Supplements

One thing most importing companies will want from a U.S. distributor is an Export Certificate that is issued from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) showing that the product doesn’t have any enforcement actions from the FDA against it. Although this is not a requirement, it automatically adds a level of safety and due diligence to your product that importers always want to see. Delays can occur here, as with any red tape, so it’s good to have someone who can navigate you through this process as quickly and easily as possible.

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

Does your product contain plant, or even animal material that places it on the CITES list? It is to your benefit to know this well ahead of time, as CITES was formed, for all 175 countries that are members ,to know what species are included in your supplement, and if they are determined to be of potential extinction, endangerment, or exploitation of the species as the result of international trade. A working understanding of CITES, and how it might impact supplement distributors keeps you compliant and off to the right start in successfully opening your new markets overseas.

Branded programs and in store promotions. International retailers many times desire to showcase U.S. products through in-store promotions. Reimbursements on those targeted marketing programs can cut costs upwards of 50% with a branded program in place. While this is normally associated with food and beverages samples being handed out to consume right then, it can also work very well with dietary supplements. Those supplement distributors that can find good branding programs can get premium display placements and live in-store help explaining the benefits of your product. Finding out about all the latest branding programs just makes sense and can really expand your overseas sales.

Expanding your marketing outside of our borders is an exciting proposition and well worth getting started on right now. As they say “well begun is halfway done” and with the help of a knowledgeable and trusted exporting service, such as ours, you can take your dietary supplement business to the next level and make those dreams a reality.

Supplement distributors